Rekindle Relationship Spell.
Spell to Restore Partners Love.

Revive Lovers Desire Spell.
Renew His / Her Appreciation Spell.
Appreciation forms the foundation of every Happy union. It's natural to desire positive attention from our sweetheart. This positive attention spawns from appreciation. Without it, things will inevitably fall apart.
Most couples never even notice as their lover's appreciation levels begin to wane. It happens when one starts taking the other for granted and stops appreciating the loving things done for them.
Either way, it opens the door to troubles - frustration, arguments, unhappiness, disdain, resentment. Before long, you may start wondering if they are still in love with you.
Having your soulmate show that they appreciate you is super important. Having your mate appreciating you not only makes you feel good, it will add more value to the relationship for them.
Magically Reminding your significant other of your value will also revive their desire for you. So it's a win-win for both of you.
Spell to Rebuild Respect.
This can set off an endless loop in which a couple can become progressively negative and even hateful to one another. Furthermore, the inability to settle clashes or differences can prompt resentment and unhappiness.
Of course, there are numerous ways in which respect can be lost or disappear. The list is too long, and I'd instead like to focus on the solution rather than the problem.
Spell to Revive Lovers Desire.
The yearning to touch and be caressed and to love and be loved, along with the hunger for companionship, marriage, and kids, are all human longings. And It's perfectly normal to want to have them fulfilled.
Spell To Renew Partners Love.
Spell to Rekindle Relationship.
Rekindle Relationship Spell.
Additional resources: Rekindle, Revive relationship.