We need the following info to cast your spell.
- Your Name
- Target's name
- Your specific goal
Additional info is optional ( Birth dates, pics, etc )
After your payment has been made, Email us your spell info !
contact form "

Keep it short and Sweet !
we prefer your email to be direct and specific ( short and sweet ).
It isn't that we're not interested in your story and the history of your situation but we want to focus on getting you the results you want and to do that we only need to know the name or names of those targeted by the spell along with your specific goal.
Please understand that we receive a high volume of orders and excessive information slows down the process for you and everyone else.
A direct and specific goal increases the strength of your spell and gets it into the hands of our spell casters faster !!!!
A direct and specific email is a win - win situation for all of us.