Daily Horoscope.

Start each day off on the right foot.
We offer Daily insight to help you make the most of every day.
Plan your day appropriately to avoid things that can ruin your day and harm your tomorrow and after that.
Eliminate unpredictability and know without a doubt what to do today to bring about success and happiness.
With the Great spirit's insight, you can be ready to handle the difficulties, opportunities, and happening of today.
Blessed be.
JAN 20 - FEB 18
Ten of Swords
Something is amiss so prepare yourself.
There’s no getting away from the severity and harshness of the 10 of Swords, and there’s no denying it’s effect. The Medieval Scapini Tarot talks of treachery. That may be true for some of you – not everyone has your back. The difference with this version of the card is the swords being in full view of the characters – there’s no back stabbing here suggesting you know who and what has the ability to cause you pain and damage.
That knowledge gives you power, so it’s best to be prepared. Begin your day by checking over loose ends in contracts, making sure you’ve paid your bills – anything you have control over, make sure you take care of it. Keep your eyes wide open and be on your guard.
If you have an ongoing issue with a rival or colleague, do your best to take the moral high ground and don’t engage in or aggravate arguments. Gossip is a particularly nasty pastime with negative results and connotations. You reap what you sow. Make sure today, you have no reason to receive retribution.
FEB 19 - MAR 20
The Hierophant
Square pegs don’t go into round holes.
At the very least today, you will either seek structure or be confined by it. Rules, rigidity & dealing with people who won’t budge – government employees, school administrators, doctor’s receptionists – you get the picture.
At the very best you will seek to understand higher values, esoteric principles & question religious doctrine. There is nothing to say here whether those questions are to aid your spiritual growth, or to tear apart the foundations of a religious upbringing.
Today you face structures of every kind, some you welcome, others you abhor. What is interesting is how you may not have been thinking about these things before, but now they are front and centre. Structure is important for life, dogma can ruin it.
MAR 21 - APR 19
Employ your moral compass & be fair in all your dealings.
At one extreme, you will be dealing with legal matters, contracts & obligations. If you are these will include legal personnel – lawyers, maybe even judges, most definitely decision makes.
At the other you are being called to adjudicate at the personal level – be or create fairness where there is some missing. You may be experiencing the effect underhanded behaviour, if so, you are being called to take the upper hand through fair means. If you are being unfair, then you have to correct your behaviour whether you like it or not. A zero sum game does not create a balanced situation nor does it promote cohesion or moving forward positively.
You could end up doing a 5 of Swords, and that’s not cool. No matter how you think they may deserve it. Can you settle this a better way? You are being asked to think about how. The thinking relates in a way to the High Priestess, inner wisdom and not being rash – finding a solution quietly, privately and in a way that creates an equal sum game.
APR 20 - MAY 20
Wheel of Fortune
Roll with the punches.
What goes up must come down, and what goes out, must come around. And so goes the Wheel and the cycle of life. Through good times and bad, we experience life in a continual cycle of change. The nature of this card indicates destiny and also chance. Whether you see this card and it’s experience as the work of the gods, or whether you see it as Lady Luck, you will experience it nonetheless.
Expect the unexpected.
Your best results will come from your positive and pro-active responses and reactions to the Wheel and what it brings, even if that doesn’t look great at first look. Life is what you make it. Roll with the punches, seize the day, ride on the crest of a wave. Lady luck may visit your door today – what you make of her gift is up to you.
MAY 21 - JUN 20
Two of Wands
Tap into your personal power
This is a great day to push your plans forward. Partnerships of any kind, and working closely with others are all well indicated. Your will is your driving force and greatest ally, don’t be swayed from doing what you believe is right.
On a purely personal level, the dreams you’ve thought of for so long, the desire to change your lot can become real when you embody this power. Anything that requires your effort and personal input is a worthy contender and is likely to succeed.
As a side note, be careful that you don’t become overbearing today as the Two of Wands energy can easily become domineering and overbearing. While you’re at full throttle, others may not be. Make sure you stay mindful of the difference in energies between yourself and friends, family and co-workers.
Travel can also be associated with this card, so if the opportunity arises, make sure you take it – particularly if it’s in conjunction with your plans and goals.
You have a green light to go on all projects that capture your heart and mind. How will you seize the day?
JUN 21 - JUL 22
Seven of Coins
Open-eyed honesty is your key to deciding your next steps.
This is a card of two stories. In the Thoth Tarot, it talks of failure. In the Rider, it has been interpreted as bearing fruit through patience – being in something for the long haul and allowing things to unfold or manifest in their own time.
That is all well and good when the clock is not ticking. What do you do if it is? How much time can you allow something to develop or produce before you call time on it? You hear of tales of miners giving up & selling on only to hear the mine scores big & they’d only been inches away from success…. The question is, how could they have possibly known they were so close?
The question for you is, how do you decide if something is worth the wait or if you should also call time on the endeavour? There is no easy answer. The Rider says wait, the Thoth says don’t and the Lo Scarabeo tries to find the middle ground. And so should you, and while you do so, ask yourself some very honest questions about whether this thing or situation is worth the wait. It still may fail and if it does, at least you had your eyes wide open for the process and you can learn where things went wrong.
JUL 23 - AUG 22
Two of Coins
In a demanding world, the key to success is balance.
Ladies, you’ll breeze through today. Gentlemen, hold onto your hats! Today will be action packed and require your full attention across the board. Your key role today is of the multitasker.
It seems that everyone and everything wants a piece of you, including your family, a run through your finances, a late call into work, the cakes you promised to make your 6 year old for school, a friend who’s stuck and needs your help…. the list could go on and on.
But no worries, you can handle it. The 2 of Pentacles is all about the balancing act and says that whatever you have to deal with today, and there will be lots of it, you’ll do so without batting an eyelid.
AUG 23 - SEP 22
Six of Swords
Be prepared to make a move.
The 6 of Swords indicates a time of overcoming obstacles, pushing through barriers and finding success through tenacity. By default, that indicates that obstacles and barriers are upon you. Often misunderstood, this card carries many variations of its meaning. Are you relocating? Are you going on holiday? Or a short journey? Maybe.
What you can expect today though is to out-think the competition, through the use of your mind-tools, you will overcome any obstacle that is foolish enough to step into your world today. Sometimes that includes moving away from the very thing that is causing you issues, leaving behind all that would seek to aggravate you and bring you down.
So movement, yes, but only because you applied logic to determine the best course of action and if that includes removing yourself from someone, somewhere or something, then so be it. Your mind is a sharp as those swords today and your greatest ally and tool. Use it wisely and use it well.
SEP 23 - OCT 22
Queen of Swords
Rise above low-level action.
My Dad has a wonderful saying, “Bullshit baffles brains.” There’ll be plenty of it about today, the BS, that is. And there’s no-one better equipped to deal with it, or indeed spot it, than the Queen of Swords. She has a BS Detector so darn good that if she could replicate it, build a handheld version of it, she’d be a millionaire.
So here’s what you gotta do, switch your BS Detector on. Take a leaf out of the Queen of Swords’ book and use your skills of perception to see through the nonsense to get to the truth, if it’s there. A word of warning here, the Queen of Swords can be ruthless, she is most definitely precise and exacting, but what she’s not is a loose canon. When she comes across BS in all its forms, she deals with it in the most appropriate manner for the situation. And so must you.
If you come across someone trying baffle your brains with bullshit today, don’t fly off the handle, don’t overeact, note it and respond accordingly. That often includes applying the Rule of 10 or 24, that is, wait 10 minutes or 24hrs before you do. That way, you are responding and not reacting.
OCT 23 - NOV 21
Two of Swords
Take some time out today to bring your core back to center so you may experience the fullness of the day.
If you’ve been caught up in conflict and dissension, know that from today, through your own will to see it, there will be an end to conflict. If you’ve been feeling unsettled in your life, peace, calm and tranquility can be yours.
All you need to do is bring it toward you through centering and meditation. Your will has a role to play here – you have to want a thing to achieve it. Don’t confuse this with willpower, there is nothing to fight against within yourself. On the contrary, you will be aligning with your will by doing this.
So sit nice and quiet and do nothing if that will work for you and allow serenity to wash over you. Do your favourite guided meditation if you prefer, or sit with your singing bowl and allow your soul to do its own dance. The resulting effect will stay with you all day and help you to reassess and realign what you thought was important.
NOV 22 - DEC 21
The Hermit
All the answers you seek are within you.
You will find yourself questioning everything today. What am I doing? Is this the right path? Where should I go from here? The Hermit is card of spiritual enlightenment, the search and achievement of it. In our mundane lives, he asks us to stop for a moment and take stock and ask those far reaching questions. The ones we don’t always want to ask because we don’t always like the answer. Often they are thing things we don’t want to face or face up to.
The Hermit’s lantern is our friend in our own darkness. Not only does it light up the dark corners we’d rather not look in, it also shines the light so we can find our way back again. He provides the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and asks us not to be afraid. Even in the dark, the Hermit is with us to guide us. We are never alone.
Spiritually speaking, the Hermit indicates an attainment of spiritual liberation if not enlightenment itself. If you’re feeling stuck on your spiritual journey, ask the Hermit to shine his light for you so you may see the way clearly. If you feel lost in anyway, meditate with this card so you may find your way again
DEC 22 - JAN 19
Eight of Swords
Today will see many delays and restrictions placed upon you.
The 8 of Swords speaks of interference from internal and external influences, so while there are things beyond your control, there are plenty within it. Negative thinking, while hard to eradicate, can keep you in a holding pattern. Repeated failures only serve to reinforce what you’ve come to believe – that nothing goes right for you, and all of your efforts seem pointless.
The hummingbird, representative of your inner guide, urges you to be still for a moment and move gently and quietly. Grand gestures and wailing dramas only serve to perpetuate your dilemma. Overthinking a problem or situation can often make it worse. Now is not the time for a knee-jerk reaction.
Will it be a difficult day? Most likely. This isn’t a day for quick fixes. It’s a day for navigating those difficulties and applying yesterday’s message from the Hermit, take stock of your situation while you have the time to. The hummingbird is your saving grace today. Take heed of its message and be patient.